Tom’s New Direction

Finding yourself at a life and career crossroads

Tom called me seeking help with his current job situation.

“I don’t like the company I am working for. The culture is retaliatory and petty. The work my team does is never appreciated.”

Tom’s plan was to quit and find another company to work for.

Four months later, Tom is still in his current role, but he will be leaving soon. But, not for all the reasons already described. Tom is leaving because through our working together he realized that his needs as a med-tech executive had changed. He was no longer the same person he was twenty years ago.

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

But, change for Tom was not going to come overnight, and it took hard work and some real soul-searching to get Tom on the right path. Through our working together, Tom realized that leaving his current role and going out and finding a similar job with a different email address, would not solve the real issue. It was not the company, it was Tom.

While grinding it out and chasing the next promotion had worked for Tom in the past, that chapter of his life had evolved. He now wanted something different; he wanted to really develop people, he wanted to spend time volunteering around initiatives that hit him in the heart, and he wanted to spend more time with his wife and growing son. He wanted what many people want in their mid-fifties; meaningful change, where he could leave more of a legacy than just the next spreadsheet.

Coaching & development helped Tom find his true direction

And, that is where coaching comes in to play. Tom and I worked together for 4 months. We determined his risk tolerance for change. We identified the barriers which were keeping him in the same kind of position, although he had a high-level of dissatisfaction. We talked, we planned, we did several exercises to get Tom thinking about what matters to him, and we did work around what he wants for the next 15-20 years. Tom did the heavy-lifting and I was the guide keeping him honest, and on track.

Today, I met with Tom and his wife, a united front embarking on a new adventure. Tom was relaxed, and his wife was a supportive wingman. They were aligned and joined as partners. It was a very special meeting, and being a part of it was, and is, an honor. Tom and I will continue working together. As he succinctly put it,

“I did not realize initially how much I needed a coach, and now I do. When you are leading teams of people, and projects, it can be isolating – you get in your own head. Having someone in your corner to support you, challenge you, guide you…Well, it can make all the difference. I am now in alignment with what truly matters to me.”

Tom has a lot to look forward to. He is a really smart guy, with a great family. His skills and expertise have been hard-earned, and they will translate to whatever he pursues next. For now, Tom is planning a short trip to unwind, relax, and dream. His bright and fulfilling future is waiting for him upon his return.

— Kori Huston


Finding Your Flow